Monday, December 10, 2012

Women In Reality Television

For this final project we had to use found art to create a video. For my idea I was thinking that I would show how women were viewed on reality television and kind of make it into a humorous rendition. Nowadays the type of television show that seems to be taking over the industry is reality television. Reality television is just a false interpretation of real life using unknown actors instead of known celebrities.  The way women are represented on these shows only add to the typical stereotypes of women. The stereotype that I decided to focus on is the fact that a lot of men believe that all females are overly dramatic and emotionally unstable. These reality shows depict this by showing the girls constantly arguing, crying, fighting and or getting highly intoxicated.
                The process I did was just going on Youtube and looking up reality shows that I know show women to be crazy. Such as Rock of Love, Flavor of Love, The Bad Girls Club, Teen Mom, I love New York, etc. I took little clips of each video and put them all together and then adding an additive transition fade so that all of the videos kind of blend together to show the similarity in what is playing out on screen. For the background music I decided that I would choose a fun song about girls so I picked Cyndi Lauper’s song Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Siddhartha Book Covers

For my project I decided to redesign the book Siddhartha. Siddhartha is about a boy who becomes a man and through out his journey he learns about the world and himself through various life experiences. I created so many book covers because Siddhartha goes through so many transformations throughout the book and I could not decide which cover illustrated that best. For the three covers with the images of the rivers on the book, I did this because, in Siddhartha's journey, when he comes to the river and he sits and listens to the river, that's when he learns the most about himself and about the world. The river is his best teacher. The other covers depict him when he has already become the Buddha and when he has reached full nirvana.

To create this covers, I first found images on Google that went with the theme and the idea I was going for. Then I Vectorized them and then expanded them into objects. Once I did that I rearranged their size and their colors somewhat. After I had the background image that I wanted, I found the perfect font on and downloaded it. Making the title the most noticeable thing was difficult in some titles so I had to mess around with color, outlining, and size a lot. My favorite cover is the one where it shows Siddhartha as the ferryman, because that was when he really learned about himself and what he was supposed to do in life.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Project 1 Idea: Mill Avenue

For our next class project I have decided that I am going to photograph Mill Avenue and show the difference of the activity on the street from daytime to nighttime. I am going to focus on one specific corner or intersection and photograph different areas of that corner at various times throughout the day. I am hoping that my final product will be an odd view of the corner with different values of light and different exposure times ranging from long exposures to stop action. When I piece all of my images together I want it to have sort of a choppy look to it, I don't want the pictures to blend smoothly. There will be some negative space that I also plan on working with. I'm excited to get started!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Terminator of Good Music.

My image of Justin Bieber portrays him as The Terminator of Good Music. I got this idea from the fact that his songs are usually about nothing important, either he wants to be your girlfriend or he really likes calling a girl 'baby'. Over the past few years Bieber has grown to be a huge idol for many young preteens. To me it is quite sad because kids need to be listening to music that has a meaning, which is not a Justin Bieber song. So in my opinion he has become The Terminator of Good Music, which comes out December 21st, 2012.

To get this image I first started off with taking a picture of the original Terminator and cutting out the part of his face that is bloody and torn up and then I layered it onto the picture of Bieber and did some minor blending effects to get it to look like it was actually apart of Bieber's face. The next step was getting his body to look like a robot, I took a picture of a silver robot from the movie 'The Terminator' and then did the same thing that I did with his face. I just added a few more layers to give it a rusty effect. For the background I just got an image of a microchip off of Google and blew it up so it covered the entire image and then made the opacity really low so it barely showed over the black background. Lastly, to get the title of The Terminator to fade the way it did was I took the words off of the original move poster and placed it on my image twice so that it gave it that faded effect. The rest of the text was put there just by using the text tool on the toolbar of Photoshop. I loved this project and I'm really happy with how mine turned out!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012