Monday, October 22, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Siddhartha Book Covers

For my project I decided to redesign the book Siddhartha. Siddhartha is about a boy who becomes a man and through out his journey he learns about the world and himself through various life experiences. I created so many book covers because Siddhartha goes through so many transformations throughout the book and I could not decide which cover illustrated that best. For the three covers with the images of the rivers on the book, I did this because, in Siddhartha's journey, when he comes to the river and he sits and listens to the river, that's when he learns the most about himself and about the world. The river is his best teacher. The other covers depict him when he has already become the Buddha and when he has reached full nirvana.

To create this covers, I first found images on Google that went with the theme and the idea I was going for. Then I Vectorized them and then expanded them into objects. Once I did that I rearranged their size and their colors somewhat. After I had the background image that I wanted, I found the perfect font on and downloaded it. Making the title the most noticeable thing was difficult in some titles so I had to mess around with color, outlining, and size a lot. My favorite cover is the one where it shows Siddhartha as the ferryman, because that was when he really learned about himself and what he was supposed to do in life.